Unlocking the Secrets of the Spine
Do you find the concept of back-bending scary, terrifying, or even painful? Then this is the perfect workshop for you to learn how to unlock your spine safely. Contrary to what we might think, back-bending is therapeutic. We spend 90% of our day sitting, standing, or even sleeping in a posterior curve in our spine (rounding the back). This habitual pattern eventually causes the vertebrae to mimic the action, slowly pressing the discs posteriorly over time.
Functional back-bending reverses this process, creating space and flexibility within the vertebrae and muscles to allow the disc to shift back towards neutral.
In this 2-hour workshop by Evelin Lazar, we will focus on deepening your flexibility and opening the space behind your heart – how to shift the ‘bend’ from lower spine to Upper and Thoracic Spine, relieving the compression and pressure on your Lumbar spine.
The goal of this workshop is to learn and improve your flexibility in a safe way, to take the exercises and methods into your own practice. Flexible body, flexible mind.
All levels welcome!
When: Saturday, April 27th, 3pm-5pm
Price: 250kr for non-members & 200kr for members
Where: Power Yoga Copenhagen
Strandgade 36D, 2.sal
1401 KBH K